31 July 2006
星期六一家大小吃过午饭后无所事事就去新关仔角广场闲逛,叹叹免费冷气*嘿嘿*。也不知到底是不是Mega Sale ,总之到处都有X%折扣或SALE减价大字报就是了。刚巧走过百盛的泳衣部门看到泳衣有打折扣,就停下来看看。虽然孩子们各自都有一套泳衣了,但他们的老妈子我贪便宜,千挑万选后买了两件戴安芬童式泳衣;一件三点式比基尼给女儿(马币十五元),一件三角式泳裤给儿子(马币二十元)。


posted by domesticgoddess at 7/31/2006 03:39:00 pm | Permalink | 6 comments
18 July 2006
Food Review: FoodLoft

We went to try out a newly opened restaurant (I presumed so) called FoodLoft in Gurney Plaza. The decor of the place is quite classy; not very toddler friendly though because the restaurant only has two high-chairs! The outlet serves multiple cuisines, rainging from western, Italian, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, local favourites just to name a few. The restaurant's concept is similar to Marche, where each patron will be given a card which you will use to place your order. One would have to walk to their posh-looking kitchen area to place order on the food you want, upon which they'll scan the bar code from the card. If I'm not mistaken, drinks are self-serviced i.e. you have to bring the drinks to your own table.
Although we didn't have to wait very long for the food to be served, the staff's service leaves much to be desired. The extra bowl and teaspoon I asked for were never brought to the table. Somehow the waiter whom acknowledged my request conveniently disappeared. They have many looked-like-busy staffs; are they hired to look busy or to serve? Anyway how long does one need just to bring a bowl and spoon?
Hubby and I decided to try the Vietnamese beef pho while we ordered unagi don for boy; girl decided to have my pho instead of sharing rice with her brother. Our pho turned out to be koay-teow instead; it tastes okay but didn't come close to the one I had in Beaverton, Oregon. The Beaverton's pho is really authentic Vietnamese! *Thumbs up* Unagi don is good though, quite a big chunk of eel garnished with lots of finely shredded nori; boy enjoyed his meal. All of us had one big ais kacang to share ;)
Will we go back again? Not until they have more high chairs, or that girl is tall enough to reach for her food while sitting on ordinary chairs.
posted by domesticgoddess at 7/18/2006 04:52:00 pm | Permalink | 5 comments
14 July 2006
I Turned One
Teeheehee... one year ago on this date, I finally started this blog after reading others' for more than 6 months. If you are interested in why it took me that long to start on, read this. I'm a slacker in terms of blog updates :P Because my total published posts is <100 after one year of inconsistent blogging! :P

It seems bloggers always have an obligatory post about their blog's birthday or anniversary, therefore I'm publishing one for myself, since I'm a blogger what... LOL!

So, happy 1st birthday to iamadomesticgoddess.blogspot.com!
*sing... happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me...*
posted by domesticgoddess at 7/14/2006 08:09:00 am | Permalink | 7 comments
13 July 2006
Short Get-away in Genting
We went on a short vacation in Genting last weekend. But alas, when the kids were on the indoor carousal, I whipped out my digital camera ready to snap away only to realized I had forgotten to insert the memory card!! Boohoohoo! *bummer* So no choice have to make do with handphone camera. *sigh*

The children enjoyed most of the rides (i.e. carousal, Rio-float, Ferris wheel, reindeer cruiser, Venice Gondola, Ride de Paris, tea cup, antique car etc. just to name a few). My girl is the more adventurous type and wants to try everything, while boy needs some coaxing/bribing before he agrees to go on the ride to realize the thrill of it later.

At the outdoor theme park, I asked the kids whether they were up to trying the junior space shot since it’s having a short queue only; to my surprise both were game enough to try. At the beginning they seemed to enjoy when it was moving up, however both were visibly shaken by the drastic drop. I asked to operator to stop the ride to bring them out as girl was already crying. It was quite amusing to see their facial expression changed suddenly. *chuckles* Ok, ok, my bad to laugh at them! :P

My boy was disappointed he didn’t get to ride on the Flying Dragon since it was not operating on the day we used the theme park day-pass. Another disappointment was due to the skyway (cable car similar to the Langkawi trip) closure for maintenance; the children were looking forward to cable car ride before the trip. Haih… bummer again!

Other than rides, we got tickets to the Mysteria show. It is inclusive in the room package we booked online. I have to say the show was very entertaining, because the children were able to sit through the whole show without any fuss. :) The illusionist (from Las Vegas) is really good, the illusions fit into the storyline with well-choreographed dance and nice costumes; there are crossbow acts and Chinese arobatics too!

The only thing that marred the vacation was inconsiderate smokers. There was a man puffing away at the junior bumper car station while waiting for his kid’s ride. Can you believe that? There were so many children there!! During our meal in the restaurant, there was a woman at the next table smoking in front of her kids. *shake head* I mean, they can smoke all they want, it’s none of my business; but at least be considerate enough to NOT smoke in the presence OTHER PEOPLE’S CHILDREN!! We don’t want our lungs to be contaminated by second-hand smoke!

To inconsiderate smokers: Please, next time you take a puff, keep the smoke to yourself!
posted by domesticgoddess at 7/13/2006 02:33:00 pm | Permalink | 7 comments
05 July 2006
All the way from Hong Kong

This came all the way from Hong Kong.

What's so special about the bedlinen, I hear you asked? Well, not that I think they are special, just that I needed to redeemed something from AsiaMiles before my accumulated miles expired. After searching through all the awards, this bedlinen set is the most worthwhile redemption (although I had initially wanted to get the Clarins make-up set) considering my miles' affordability heh! :P It centainly surprised me big time that this set could've cost so much in HKD!!! I for one wouldn't spend MYR553.45 for a set of bedlinen!! But since it comes free, I have absolutely no complaints!

One thing though, the trouble for AsiaMiles awards redemption is, almost all items have to be self-collected in Hong Kong! Luckily my uncle's boss was travelling to HK for business, so he agreed to do a favour for me by collecting on my behalf. I want to thank him her so much.
posted by domesticgoddess at 7/05/2006 11:23:00 am | Permalink | 10 comments