06 March 2007
An offer
I'd received an offer of a position in another department in the company this morning, and had just responded to accept the offer.

Why am I not thrilled? Is it because I am in this position and in the same department for too long that I've grown complacent? That I'm somewhat hesitant to step out of my comfort zone? Fear of unknown or how the new manager will be? Fear of not able to meet new expectations/challenges? Sigh... I've said it all.

But... Change IS the only constant. Embrace it. Taking up new challenges is the only way to grow. *keep telling self*

Don't be mistaken; I am still happy to get that offer. Being offered a job is always a confidence booster. It simply means my skills and experiences are still relevant. An assurance that I am still wanted.

I know I've made the right decision to accept the offer for career growth's sake. Guess I am nervous about the change. Afterall, I've been in my present job for 6 long donkey years...
posted by domesticgoddess at 3/06/2007 10:30:00 am | Permalink |