"The series began in 1989 and has been on CiTV ever since. Over 180 programmes have been made, and the series is now seen in 32 countries around the world, including six non-English speaking countries where there is a different presenter!"
The show is hosted by Neil Buchanan, who teaches differenct art techniques, shares creative handicraft ideas, and create Big Art Attacks using whatever materials he could find or even using just salt or sand! Even I myself like this show.
Children being children, they like to imitate whatever they see on the idiot box. Here's my son's attempt at a moderate art attack using laundry. Yeap you heard right! It's their laundry...
Creative or not? Heheh... I'm proud of him! And now the sister has started to follow him, by scattering the laundry on the floor claiming it's Art Attack! *roll eyes*
Wow DG, ur Ian sure is a creative boy. He can imitate Neil Buchanan by using his own clothes to create dat piece of art, dat's very imaginative and cute.
It's not my girl who likes the show, it's me who like to watch Art Attack! After watching him displayed his art, I'll always shake my head in wonder and leaves me speechless. His show makes me wonder if it is true cos he is too good to be true.