One afternoon my girl woke up from her nap and was sitting on the mattress while watching me undress her brother for bath. As usual, my boy whined and refused to go into the bathroom, stood by our bed near the mattress. As I turned around wanting to coax my boy into the bathroom after putting the dirty clothes into the laundry basket, I was amused to see my girl’s hand almost reaching for her brother’s birdie!!! Kids and their curiosity… *holding laugh and roll eyes* I quickly got hold of her hand and carried her away from boy, while telling her she should not touch koh-koh’s jiao-jiao. My boy eventually went inside the bathroom after I told him his sis is gonna come after his birdie if he doesn’t. Heheh! *wicked look :P*
I related this incident to my family over dinner a few days later; everyone had a good laugh. Apparently this is not new to them. They had their share of amusement by my girl’s similar antique already. You see, my girl loves bathing as she gets to play with water, while my boy prefers to play than getting cleaned-up (sigh…boy!). When my Papa asked my boy to bathe, my girl overhears and will run to the bathroom first wanting to bathe as well. So Papa ends up having to bathe both of them together.
When both of them were naked in the bathroom, I guess girl’s curiosity got the better of her. She wanted to pull/grab koh-koh’s birdie. That’s when my Mama held her back, taught her the term jiao-jiao and what she ought not to do (have to thank my mom for the very early biology lesson). Now my girl knows she’s not supposed to grab/pull... the birdie, but being a cheeky little girl she is, will point whenever she sees her brother naked (while changing or after bath) and say “Koh-koh’s jiao-jiao!”, repeat n-th times until you acknowledge her. Sometimes she’d even walk up to her brother, hands extended, pretending (I hope she is!) to want to pull! LOL! My boy would then quickly cover his birdie with both hands and run away from his cheeky little sister, screaming “Mama, look at mei-mei! She wants to grab my jiao!”
I guess your girl is the female version of 蜡笔小新!! LOL!!