21 September 2005
Sickness Spell
My boy has just recovered from fever, still have coughs and lots of phlegms. He whines about everything when he is not well. My girl started having high fever on monday night; was worried so I took emergency leave yesterday. Her temperature is slightly down this morning. *Phew!*
I am having a stubborn sore throat (even swallowing hurts) that wouldn't go away.
I am exhausted from not sleeping well because I monitor girl's fever and sponge her from time to time, not to mention having to feed her medicine at 2:30am!
I need some rest.
Updated 26/9/05 @ 2:15pm:
To all those who commented, thank you for your concerns and well wishes.
Last week was an agonizing week for me because baby's temperature went up and down like a seesaw; I feared it was dengue. Luckily the blood test confirmed otherwise. Still, she was feverish and lethargic. I was very worried, to the extent of 吃龙虾都无味 (Iiteral translation: eat lobster also no taste).
After days of diligently feeding medicines, boy's cough is getting better and baby has recovered from fever just yesterday (at last!) but has not much appetite though.
Now I can heave a sigh of relief.
posted by domesticgoddess at 9/21/2005 11:15:00 am | Permalink |