05 September 2005
Finally I decided on...
Tadaaa... this!!

source from here

Yup, I’m getting my children myself a big and expensive toy; it’s a Yamaha U3 upright piano. Tee hee hee…

Actually, the offer that I mentioned was for a new Yamaha U1J, those used in ABRSM exams. The taukeh-soh quoted the price of an examination model unit for a brand new piano, which is too good to be true! That means it is about 25% off the retail price,albeit still exorbitantly priced for home use. At first I had thought I wouldn’t mind forking out that money because I have wanted to buy one all along for my children and myself (yeah yeah… you can say I’m using them as an excuse hahah), and I’m a sucker who can’t resist a good bargain :P

However after seriously thinking it through the next day, I began having second thoughts whether it’s worth spending so much (actually I was having a hard time parting with my money heheheheh!). The piano is approximately half the price of a Perodua Kancil 850EZI. Well, like my Papa has put it, if I’m a millionaire, of course the price would be kacang putih; but for a normal working class people 打工一族 like me, not necessary to spend so much. Therefore I didn’t by the brand new model in the end and bought a used piano, which is a better model relatively speaking, at half the price instead. The piano still looks kind of new… well, since I‘ve bought it I have to say it looks new :P

Now, being the sucker for not wanting to miss out on a good deal, I had paid a RM50 deposit to sort of reserve the brand new piano (I told them I’d confirm the order during the weekend). So when I’ve decided not to buy the piano from them, I need to get something from the store so that I don’t forfeit the deposit.

Let me reveal to you first that I can be annoyingly fickle minded at times. First I called the taukeh-soh to discuss on the price of a violin which we agreed on later (still I think it’s a tad expensive than another store); then the staff found out that they don’t have stock in-house and need to place order. After hanging up the phone, thought of the RM40-50 I could save if I get it from other store, I called the taukeh-soh again to ask if I could use the deposit instead to enroll my son for JMC class and cancel the violin order. I know I know (am guilty of being petty :PbPb)… if I’m the taukeh-soh, I also would be exasperated with such a customer! But as a customer I’ve got the right to choose how to spend my money right? After all, either way they still make money from me. Heh!
posted by domesticgoddess at 9/05/2005 04:33:00 pm | Permalink |


  • At Mon Sept 05, 04:57:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous

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  • At Mon Sept 05, 06:01:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Mumsgather

    I dun care! I oso want!

  • At Tue Sept 06, 12:06:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous

    I love an upright piano..DG..!! but i'm too el cheapo.. so a keyboard has to do for now.. :) so envious i .. now..!!

  • At Tue Sept 06, 10:53:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Annie

    Ohh.. congrats! So u bought a used U3 isit? How old & how much? I oso bought a used one few months ago...I did take a quite some time to decide...especially the money part....HARD EARNED MONEY hor!! But worth it!

  • At Tue Sept 06, 12:22:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger domesticgoddess

    jason, wei you don't advertise falsely lar... I'm no concert painist lah... afterwards people set high expectations you know!!!

    MG, heh! quick, go buy one too!

    big bok, later on you can always upgrade to an upright or even grand piano ;)

    annie, the boss said it's about 10 years... but I think that's the duration the previous owner kept it... if the previous owner bought from someone else, it'll definitely be longer than that. Physically the piano looks new, even the keys, sound is bright too. Will snap a photo when it arrives. Got it for under 8K. How much did you get yours?

  • At Tue Sept 06, 12:41:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous

    Actually I intend to sell my piano, after having it for so many years without using it. :p
    My mom will be very upset if she knows.
    Anyway, I noticed your blogroll, my address is wrong ler, missing www in front. :)

  • At Tue Sept 06, 03:27:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger shoppingmum

    You play piano??? I forgot how to play my organ already. Hands and leg coordination not there liao...

  • At Tue Sept 06, 04:53:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Annie

    can check the age of the piano thru the serial number. Bought mine at RM6K after much nego.

  • At Tue Sept 06, 06:14:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger domesticgoddess

    suzette, no worries, without www the web browser can still go to the site one...

    shoppingmum, yeah I used to play the piano; haven't touched the piano for years liao...

    annie, hey you got it cheaper. Wonder how old is your piano... is it a U3 too?

  • At Wed Sept 07, 12:20:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous

    envy...*sob sob sob*...soooooo envy.... but then so happy for you.
    so? when play some song to us?

  • At Wed Sept 07, 01:25:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger shiaulin

    oh piano ar.. then i recall back when i was 13 yrs old baru start to learn it, and stop lesson at grade 4.. reason why? cannot lar, my fingers too SHORT !! cannot be a good pianist then mar give up loh .. haha... envy u can play piano *sign*
    btw, i am too lazy to practise so.. hehe.. cannot blame my fingers though :p

  • At Wed Sept 07, 02:59:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger domesticgoddess

    maria, wait la, let me practice first :P no need to envy lah... I saved up for a long time already only can afford you know...

    shiaulin, my fingers are short too! :P

  • At Fri Sept 09, 04:39:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Buaya69

    eee, i oso want, but no extra cash to spend ler. :(