24 August 2005
Never underestimate toys; they are not only fun to play with, children learn from them.

My MIL bought a set of rubber bathtub frogs for Jean when she was a baby. She knows that's frog because we told her so. Now she could identify a few different animals like dog (which she calls wouh-wouh), cat (she calls it mao 猫), bear (be it polar bear or brown bear), frog (she says fog) , fish (she pronounced as pee), bird (she says bird-bird) etc.

My Papa related this to me yesterday evening. He was flipping the children story board book and pointed to different animals to show tell her what they are. On one page, he pointed to a drawing that resembles frog/toad and told her "Toad!"
Do you know how my girl reacted? She replied, "Fog!!! (meanning frog la)" instead. End up the grandPa burst out laughing! Hahahahah! Isn't that funny? Reminds me of a TV commercial moons ago that featured a kid correcting the father it's an orchid instead of just flower.
On an unrelated note, I saw a full arc of rainbow on my way to work this morning. A FULL arc leh!!! Some more have secondary bow eventhough it is faint! I can see the primary bow from horizon to horizon, very clear too. That's the first time I've seen a full rainbow (it's rare you know!). Does this signify good things are coming our way? I hope so.
雨过天晴的彩虹,而且是完整的拱形,是我一生中第一次见到的。这... 是不是象征了什么?伯乐就快出现?希望是。
posted by domesticgoddess at 8/24/2005 11:07:00 am | Permalink |