Hubby came back and waited with me in the labour ward. I called my office to tell my supervisor that I’ll be starting my maternity leave today. Then I informed my mama that I am in the hospital and all. The contractions were getting stronger and stronger by then and I agreed to be given N2O to relieve the contraction pain. Hubby told me it’s actually laughing gas; he was amused why I wasn’t laughing like a hyena after inhaling the gas!
About 0910hour, my Ob-Gyn came to check on me again and this time he recommended that I go for C-sec. He’d said it’s better not to wait any further cause there are signs of foetal distress. I had to choose whether to get epidural or GA for the C-sec. After consulting dad, I opted for epidural because I would be aware when the baby is taken out.
So the nurses prepared me for operation then wheeled me to the OT. Hubby wasn’t allowed into OT. They transferred me onto the OT bed; and then the anaesthetist came to inject the epidural. As a check to see if the drug has taken effect, he asked me to raise my leg. I tried mighty hard, but my leg didn’t move an inch. And at this time I was fully naked. Never have I been consciously naked in front of so many people before! *Hahahahah…*
They put up a cloth as a divider just before my bulging tummy, so I could not see how the doctor operated on me. But I could sense my lower abdomen was being pulled and pressed on. Soon after I heard a short cry, and I knew my baby was out. Happy was an understatement for that moment.
I think after they cleared baby’s air passage, the nurse brought him to me to have a look. He was so tiny and red, wailing “wueh… wueh… wueh”. Then I touched his cheek and gently whispered to him “Don’t cry, don’t cry, mama is here.” Miraculously he stopped; as if he understood what I just said. Then he was carried away for further examination by paediatrician.
The doctor finally finished stitching me up and I was monitored for about a hour or so before being released back to the maternity ward. I called so many people to inform them of the arrival of our bundle of joy. Mum and dad were there when I was wheeled back to the ward. They stayed for awhile and left because dad has to go back to work. I asked hubby to go back for lunch too.
Shortly after lunch hour, papa and mama came to see me. Coincidentally the nurse wheeled baby into the ward for me to nurse him. So papa and mama had a chance to look at Ian.
We bonded straight away. When I held Ian in my arms, it was simply... bliss.
wah.... ;)