27 September 2005
The Piano
I promised to take pictures of my new toy after it's been delivered to the house. So here it is.

Still looks new. I've been playing it when I have the time and simply love the sound and touch. I guess I don't regret the purchase after all. The boss of the shop I bought the piano from will be coming over to tune the piano this Saturday.

It's funny how our limbs/fingers seem to have memory of their own. I was quite surprise that I could still play Sonata in F (Mozart) 1st movement even after not touching the piano for over 10 years. The piece was one of my exam pieces last time.

Here's a peek at the little girl attempting to be a piano virtuoso. LOL! *kidding kidding*
posted by domesticgoddess at 9/27/2005 01:38:00 pm | Permalink |


  • At Tue Sept 27, 01:56:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous

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  • At Tue Sept 27, 01:58:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Egghead

    I also never touch the piano for close to 5 years liao... think my fingers already stiffed :(

  • At Tue Sept 27, 03:01:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Sue

    yeah, she looks tiny sitting at the piano... cute!

    for me, i gave up piano before i even reached grade 1 when i was in std 1 i think... and then when i was a teenager, i regretted it *shame!*

  • At Tue Sept 27, 03:11:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous

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  • At Tue Sept 27, 03:11:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous

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  • At Tue Sept 27, 10:01:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous

    I really really very very jeles...
    I never touch the piano for 15 years, I don't think the piano can remember me, or my finger also don't remember it.

  • At Wed Sept 28, 08:53:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous

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  • At Wed Sept 28, 08:53:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous

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  • At Wed Sept 28, 08:53:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous

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  • At Wed Sept 28, 01:30:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Annie

    Shh!....Little music genius is at work....

  • At Wed Sept 28, 03:03:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Muddy

    wow!!! that's a really beautiful piano there, its gorgoeus!!!

  • At Wed Sept 28, 03:34:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Lazymama

    I love music but never got the chance to learn piano, now too old to learn liao!

    p/s: the little girl looks so cute in contrast with the piano.

  • At Wed Sept 28, 09:31:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous

    There is no music bone in me but my dad has. He didn't learn any music when he was young, but he can play the harmonica very well. Now I wish that my children get those gens. Nice Piano.

  • At Thu Sept 29, 01:24:00 am GMT+8, Blogger 1+2mom

    So jeles..why all know how to play piano??? I dunno but i love piano..now very old to learn so just can see but cant touch :(

  • At Thu Sept 29, 02:14:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Lin

    Has your little gal started classes??

  • At Thu Sept 29, 07:58:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Greenapple

    Congratulation on getting yourself such a great item! It seems like most of us have the same background huh (a piano learner, used to be, that is). May you have great fun with your lovely piano!

    My dream is to have a big-enough house, and have a baby-grand. I've always love the sound of baby-grand, more than upright. Just a dream ...

  • At Thu Sept 29, 08:58:00 am GMT+8, Blogger domesticgoddess

    egghead, you learnt piano too? 5 years nia... not so bad lah!

    jason, of course she looks small, because the piano is huge! :P

    sue, I also started to appreciate piano more after I stopped. heheheh

    maria, no need to be jeles... ask twinsdad to buy a piano for you and your belles, I'm sure your fingers will remember it.

    annie, post a picture of your piano too?

    muddy, michelle, thanks. I love beautiful and nice things, ahaks!

    jefferene, 1+2mom, it's never too old to learn anything. There are piano classes for adults too. If there's a will, there's a way ;)

    lin, my gal is only 19 months old; too young to start piano lessons.

    greenapple, keep dreaming and work on it, i'm sure one day it will come true ;)

  • At Thu Sept 29, 11:47:00 am GMT+8, Blogger LHS

    I always dream to have a piano at home since young, but my father was not able to afford as he was only a breadwinner when i was young. I always tell myself i'll let my kids learn how to play piano in order to compensate my childhood dreamt and definitely hope my kids can teach me how to play....i'm not dare to learn outside with my stiff fingers.

  • At Thu Sept 29, 01:43:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous

    I'm so envious..DG..! wonder when i can buy one too.. and for my brat to practice.. :)

  • At Fri Sept 30, 05:08:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Annie

    wait har, DG, let me pinjam camera first....

  • At Sat Nov 05, 05:23:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Roberto Iza Valdés

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