31 March 2006
Last Week's Emergency
Pardon me for my lack of update in the last week. We had an emergency situation.
Last week started quite okay as usual. Then on Tuesday morning, less than 2 hours after arriving in the office I recieved a phone call from home asking me to rush back. "You have to come back now!! There's something in girl's stool..." I could sense Mama's concern in her voice.
After arriving at home and saw the sample Mama's had kept in bottle, I became very very worried. There was blood clot in the stool, and the amount was quite substantial for a 2-year-old. We quickly rushed her to see the paediatrician, bringing along the blood clot sample.
Upon seeing the blood clot, the paed immediately referred us to a paediatric gastroenterologist/surgeon in another hospital. I have an inkling it's gonna be rather serious. The doctor asked to admit girl immediately for observation but stressed he won't proceed with any tests yet. For the time being just purely observation. Being a mother, knowing there is a health problem with the child but don't know what caused it and whether the condition is life threatening is simply agonizing and stressful. There was also limitation to the tests that can be conducted due to her age because certain equipment is just too big for her.
We got her admitted on Tuesday afternoon; the doctor inserted the cannula on her left hand to withdraw blood for tests and plasma matching, and after that we could only wait. The next day she was given suppository to induce bowel movement. I became even more concerned when there was more blood clot and mucous-like jelly in the stool. The day was filled with anxiety as we don't know where the bleeding and what caused it. The doctor arranged barium enema for girl on Thursday morning. She had to fast before the test which meant nothing should be consumed from 4am onwards.
Luckily the barium enema was able to help the doctor's diagnosis. Immediately after the barium test and ultrasound was conducted to affirm the finding. She was diagnosed with intussusception and needed surgery right away. In a way I was relieved that there was finally a diagnosis and the condition is treatable, but then at the same time worry about she having to undergo medium-risk surgery at this young age.
The surgery was scheduled in the afternoon. The nurses allowed me to carry her from the ward into the OR. She was oblivious to what is awaiting her because she just stared at all the people around us and didn't make a fuss. As I put her onto the table she began to wail; the nurses and I had to hold back her struggling for the anaesthestist to sedate her. It was indeed difficult to see her crying, struggling and all while not being able to completely calm her down. I was led out of the OR after she had been sedated.
I guess luckily her case was not too complicated so the surgery only lasted one hour, but that was the longest hour to date in my life! The anaesthetist called me into the day care room as soon as she was wheeled out of the OR. She was conscious, wailing and calling for me at the same time. The moment I saw her, I felt a huge sense of relief. After about one and a half hour of close monitoring, she was wheeled back to the ward.
I asked her the next day whether the wound is painful and she said no. No food was allowed after surgery so she was given dextrose intravenously. The hardest part of post-surgery was to deny her request for food/drink when she sees me eating. Thank God for her speedy recovery, the nurses were commenting that they've never seen any patient so active or energetic post surgery because she was walking like she didn't have surgery at all on friday night (of course with me pushing the IV-drip after her). Another good indication was that there was no rectal bleeding again after surgery.
The doctor told us that on top of reducing the intussusception, he had performed appendectomy on her as well since it was a bit swollen already. Girl was discharged this Monday. Right now she is on soft diet. I went back to work on Tuesday this week; work had already piled up in my one week of absense. That's why I had been busy lately clearing up my work. Gonna bring her back to the hospital for follow-up this Sunday and to remove the dressing. Hopefully the doctor will give her a clean bill of health and allow more food variety in her diet; I'd think she'd be happy about that ;)
posted by domesticgoddess at 3/31/2006 09:59:00 am | Permalink |


  • At Sat Apr 01, 12:32:00 am GMT+8, Blogger mom2ashley

    oh dear! thank God she was diagnosed early. what causes it? glad to her she is recovering fast!

  • At Sat Apr 01, 02:01:00 am GMT+8, Blogger shiaulin



    My kisses to her, and DG u take care too.

  • At Sat Apr 01, 10:10:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Jess


  • At Sat Apr 01, 11:44:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Lazymama

    Your girl is tough and brave! Glad that she is recovering now!


  • At Sat Apr 01, 11:48:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous

    Thank God..your mom is vigilant..! and spotted the bleeding ..! and thank you for sharing.. this with me. It is invaluable.. to know of any kinda things we have to keep watch for Chloe too.
    Glad to know that your gal is doing well.. :)

  • At Sat Apr 01, 12:15:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger MayY . C 五月媽媽

    要稱讚your mama's who saved the sample.

    Glad to hear her speedy recovery..

  • At Sat Apr 01, 10:16:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Willwolf

    My goodness. Lucky it's treatable. I dunno what I'll do if my kids in the OT. It's good to hear that the worse is over and she's recovering well.

  • At Mon Apr 03, 09:46:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous

    I'm sorry to hear this. Thanks to your mom for spotting this early. No wonder you were so busy last week... And your girl is very brave. Rest well and may her recover quickly.

  • At Mon Apr 03, 10:40:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous

    *sigh*, 想不到新相机竟然派到如此用场。


  • At Mon Apr 03, 11:46:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Egghead

    wah! your mom really check her thoroughly ah... excellent move!

    glad to hear that your girl is recovering well from her surgery... must be traumatic for the parents though!

  • At Mon Apr 03, 12:32:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Mumsgather

    You have one brave little girl there. Yes, thank goodness for your mum who's very watchful and mindful to save the stool sample. Good that you have been able to diagnosed and treat very quickly.

  • At Mon Apr 03, 04:07:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger domesticgoddess

    mom2ashley, the doctors said the cause could be multiple factors... nobody knows...

    shiaulin, 谢谢你的祝福。

    jesslyn,她吗... 好像每一回事酱,又跑又跳,倒是我这个做妈的为她但心不已。

    lazymama, ei... since when you changed nickname already??

    mamabok, yeah I'm glad she's alright now.

    blogie-talkie, 谢谢你到我的部落留言 :)

    willwolf, I as really relieved when the diagnosis was out and to know it's treatable.

    suzette, yeah... I was busy clearing up work last week.

    maria, 新相机还没开张咧... 这些都是手机拍的(因为她很闷,就用手机拍一些照和录影给她看咯!);酱的紧急状况哪里还记得那相机啊 :P ... 是有开刀,疤痕大概有整两寸半长。那两个血迹是第一天手术完毕从疤痕渗到纱布上来的。

    egghead, the thought of her in the OR was really scary... that one hour was the longest agonizing moment in my life thus far!

    mumsgather, yeah a courageous little girl she is :)

  • At Mon Apr 03, 05:46:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger shoppingmum

    OMG, sorry to hear about that. Thank god she's recovering well from the surgery. Take care.

  • At Mon Apr 03, 08:02:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous

    Hope your gal have a speedy recovery. Glad to have read this post, now I have to look at my children's stool.

  • At Wed Apr 05, 07:24:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Lrong Lim

    intussusception? wow, first time to hear of this thingy... hope your girl will make a quick recovery...

  • At Fri Apr 14, 02:09:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger LHS

    My churchmate's son suffered this intussusception when he was 4 months old too.

    Hope you girl get well soon.

  • At Fri Apr 14, 02:58:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger ZMM

    How's your girl now?
    Hope she's all well..

    You have been absence from the blogscene for quite a while.. must be work piling up huh?

  • At Fri Apr 14, 07:46:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Buaya69

    how's your darling girl now? i hope all ok.

  • At Sun Apr 16, 11:39:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Tracy

    Can understand how u felt while u were waiting outside the OR.

    How's she now? Hope everything's alrite.

  • At Mon Apr 17, 04:09:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger domesticgoddess

    shoppingmum, michelle, lrong, huisia, buaya69, tracy, she's recovering really well and as active as before. Thanks for your well wishes.

    jason, 是替你省钱 :P 因你整天叹钱不够用嘛!

    zara's mama, heheh.. absense is because i was hit by the lazy-to-blog bug LOL! will be updating soon ;)

  • At Tue Apr 18, 12:35:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger domestic rat

    Yo! I just saw this... wanted to ask you how is your girl now but you were offline. Hope all is well.

  • At Thu Apr 27, 05:11:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Ghostbird

    SO sorry to hear about this. Just read this today. Poor Jean. Luckily your mum is alert. I hope she has recovered totally now. My oh my, you do have quite a bit of adventures with your kids.
    Do take care.

  • At Mon May 22, 04:28:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous

    I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

  • At Mon May 22, 04:28:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous

    What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.