07 March 2006
Guess what commercial this is...
Back when my brother was a toddler, he used to be attracted by TV commercials. Whenever the show stopped for commercial, he'd paused at whatever he was playing, eyes glued to the TV until the show came back on. Until such that my parents recorded about 30 minutes of TV commercials on the tape so that he won't run around while being fed; and he never gets bored even if the commercials were played again and again and again.

Now my kis are not so crazy with commercials, when there are so many other shows or kids show VCD around. However there's one commercial (neh... that one with youngsters jamming music using the handphones one...) lately that attracted my boy. Everytime the advert comes on air, he'd be humming along "palalalapa pee la paalaaah..." . The sister likes to imitate her brother, so I'm not surprised that she stops to watch this advertisement too.

These days, when the brother sings "palalalapa pee la paalaaah...", she has even learnt to add on "ooooh... bebeeh...", just like the commercials. It never fail to make me laugh.
posted by domesticgoddess at 3/07/2006 04:38:00 pm | Permalink |


  • At Tue Mar 07, 04:52:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Egghead

    that Push-to-Talk commercial ah? not bad one :)

  • At Wed Mar 08, 09:00:00 am GMT+8, Blogger shiaulin

    here in China I wont let Xuan watch the advertisement on children's channel, cos all the advertisement shown are related to junk food, candy and soft drinks which I haven't and doesn't want to introduce it to Xuan.

  • At Wed Mar 08, 09:53:00 am GMT+8, Blogger mom2ashley

    my girl hasn't got attracted to tv commercials yet though....but i think it's quite normal to be attracted to them because of the music/colours/movements etc

  • At Tue Mar 14, 11:40:00 am GMT+8, Blogger domesticgoddess

    egghead, jason, yeah... mah that one lor!

    shiaulin, I don't purposely let them watch commercials too!

    mom2ashley, actually some of the ads are done quite artisticly, but some are just plain annoying haha