23 February 2006

“不会啦。头发还会长啊… 以后还可以再蓄长发。”

拤。拤。 拤。 一撮撮的发丝从头飘落。丝毫没有不舍。心里只有期盼新发型带来得清新形象。


妈妈∶*脸上的表情尽是 !?!?!?* 怎么把原本好好漂亮微卷的头发剪了?花了至少几十块钱烫头发,现在竟然剪了。不是很浪费吗?
哦哦哦... 原来她替我心疼那些钱;现在更不能告诉她那是花了几百块烫的卷头!


儿子∶ 妈妈你不可以剪短发!不可以剪短发!





“哗!你受了什么刺激?” 要受刺激才可以剪短头发咩?



“呃!你剪头发啊?” 啧啧啧,不是很明显吗?不! 我戴了假发。

posted by domesticgoddess at 2/23/2006 06:55:00 pm | Permalink | 7 comments
19 February 2006
Baby, you are two!

To my precious princess,

Happy 2nd Birthday!

With love always,

We had a little BBQ party for close family members only i.e. my parents and siblings, parent-in-laws and hubby's aunt who visited us on that day.These are what we had; sausages, prawns, dory fish marinated in curry paste and kaffir lime leaves chicken wings and sirloin steaks. We had lamb chops, eggplant and garlic bread too but didn't manage to take any shots at that. Heh! Too busy eating...
After everyone had their stomach filled with yummy-licious food, proceeded to singing birthday song for girl. After we finished the birthday song, my boy quickly added, "Ma, you have to sing 祝你生日快乐 like in school!" So all of us have to repeat the birthday song in mandarin again. Girl looked so serious; I guess she must be awed by us adults all singing together for her haha! She wouldn't blow the candles; my mama accidentally blew out one of the candle while trying to persuade girl to blow. In the end the brother blew the candle for her. Brother is more excited than sister at cutting the cake.
The cake is banana chocolate cake. See the colourful M&Ms chocs on the cake? I added those onto the cake. Girl likes the colourful M&M chocs more than the cake.
Brother checking out one of sister's birthday presents. At first she won't hand over the toy to brother, then brother came up with a wicked idea by asking whether she wants to have vitagen by shoving the drink in front of her. Sister willingly gave him her toy in exchange for vitagen!
Everyone was laughing out loud at that!
posted by domesticgoddess at 2/19/2006 10:00:00 pm | Permalink | 15 comments
03 February 2006
Saying "I Love You"
The kindy which my son attends has special programme during the month of December (yes, the time when every other school-going children are having long holidays), which is compulsory for all children to attend. The special programme has different theme from year to year. In 2004 the theme was "The world of pets" where they learn about different animals that are kept as pets and were taken on a pet shop tour. Last year it was "Around the world in 30 days" where they learn about 12 different countries (if I'm not mistaken), the dinstinct differences in its cultures, and saying "
I Love You" in 8 different languages (I think so...).

Click the above to hear and see if you can tell what languages they are.
Highlight the following with your mouse to find out the answers: Korean, Japanese, Thai, Mandarin, Indian(I don't know if it's Tamil or Hindustan), Spanish, Netherland, Italian, Arabic, Aussie English, Bahasa Malaysia
I don't know why, but I was amused paricularly when he speaks the Indian version. And I couldn't stop laughing... hahahahaha

I had wanted to blog this last month, but it stayed as draft until I'd found a site to host my audio file.
posted by domesticgoddess at 2/03/2006 11:29:00 pm | Permalink | 9 comments