04 May 2006
At the Beach
Originally we wanted to go to Penang Hill on Monday but it was raining cats and dogs there so Papa suggested to go the beach instead. Further more, a larger crowd would be expected since it was a public holiday.

We went at about 4pm but the weather was just nice as there was an overcast. Papa and my brothers joined us. All of us just played sand :P

My boy asked me to take picture of his 'sand-castle'! Psst... it's just a hillock... OK a hillock-sand-castle LOL! Anyway as a loving mother *ahem* I snapped a photo with my handphone.

Papa (my dad), with all his creativity, built a sand-crocodile! Yes, a buaya... kihkihkih! I helped him with the 'details' on the croc's back. Here's how it looked.

A buaya at the beach!!??!!

Look at the fat tummy and tail!

A closer look in front. The croc looked kind of tame huh?

posted by domesticgoddess at 5/04/2006 08:10:00 am | Permalink |