At Tue Oct 25, 10:04:00 am GMT+8, domesticgoddess
maria, heheh most people say they resemble me... pretty or not, 见仁见智啦 hahah
msau, now more lady like liao because of the dress mah... during baby times always got mistaken for a boy.
huisia, yeah only too photos for now... can't reveal too much; I'm paranoid! :P
egghead, 知晤知丑啊? got son already still want people to call you korkor?!! :PbPbPb
jefferene, greenapple, thank you for your kind compliments.
jazzmint, hahah I guess so because both of them also have fine hairs, also a trait from me.
sue, I won't post my pic lah... afterwards scare all of you away :P
mama bok, hey thanks...
lrong, thanks. These two are my 'papalang' heheh...
eh...they looks like you lar... especailly your girl. pretty mommy pretty baby :).